THANTHAM is one of the business produced by Thamturakit company, the place located in Chaing Mai, Thailand for learning the sufficient economy inspiration from King Rama IX. Than Tham wants to teach people to live with their agriculture with Thai culture. Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy based on the fundamental principle of Thai culture. It's the method of development based on moderation, prudence, and social immunity, one that uses knowledge and virtue as guidelines in living.
The design concept is sharing, using the tree to metaphor the structure of Than Tham. The root that looks like a hand represent Than Tham, who sent knowledge to the trunk and the leaves which are their students and the round shape means richness and cycle. They have many activities i.e. planting time, fishery, mud house, egg farm, organic skincare etc that transformed into the graphic elements which can use as infographic and signage. ​​​​​​​

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